K-12 In-Service

Professional Development for Teachers

Expert Education Presenters   |   Tailored Training   |   Guaranteed Lowest Rates

Host Site Program

Host Site Program

About the Program

This program was created by the K-12 Teachers Alliance because we recognize that schools throughout the country have limited resources to provide professional development to educators. It is our mission to assist with the rising costs and increasing need for ongoing training. We are pleased to provide a solution to this challenge by offering free training to your teaching staff through our Host Site Program in exchange for the use of your school.

Monies are awarded on a first come, first served- basis and funds are not based on financial need nor academic standing of your school. Please note, there is currently no limit to the number of schools selected for this program.

How It Works

Your school applies and if selected as a host site, funding will provide:

Host Site Program

Compensation for an expert trainer or your own instructor¹

All fees of each faculty, staff and administrators attending the workshop

Three (3) full day workshops or 18 contact hours of professional development training

Topic of your choice

Upon request, graduate-level credits may be available depending upon the topic. Graduate credits are not included as part of this program and is the sole responsibility of the workshop participant.²

Important Note: If you are not selected as a host site, your application will be placed on our priority, wait list for the next round of funding.



You may choose your own instructor or utilize the K-12 Teachers Alliance instructors. We have a portfolio of the best presenters in the country who are highly-trained in each subject matter. If you choose your own instructor, the costs will be covered by the K-12 Teachers Alliance.

If an outside instructor is selected the K-12 Teachers Alliance is not responsible for the quality or content of the workshop and a waiver of indemnity will be required. Rates for the instructor will be negotiated between the K-12 Teachers Alliance and the selected instructor. K-12 Teachers Alliance will not compensate any instructor above the maximum of $1,500 for 6 contact hours or $250 per hour for shorter workshops. Instructors will also receive travel costs (e.g., mileage, parking, airfare, car rental) and a per diem not to exceed $500.


Graduate credit is issued by Concordia University Chicago. Tuition and assignments are the sole responsibility of the workshop participant and is not included as part of this program.

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Dedicated to meeting the needs of K-12 teachers, principals and the children they serve.
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TeachHub               eLearn               K-12 Teachers Alliance

Site content © 2010 K-12 Teachers Alliance 20624 Abbey Woods Court North Frankfort, IL 60423