K-12 In-Service

Professional Development for Teachers

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Anti Bullying

Teachers will participate in various activities and strategies they can use to help prevent and intervene with bullying behavior and participate in modeled exercises to create self-awareness within a child. Teachers will learn how other educators are preventing bullying behavior in and outside of the classroom across the country.

» Tailored Anti Bullying Training Specific to Your School

» Expert Education Specialist with Preventative Solutions

» Get effective Anti Bullying Training Sensitive to your Budget

» Book your Anti Bullying In-Service with Ease

» Ongoing coaching and training available for Anti Bullying Training

Featured Anti Bullying Presenters

or call us today at

Jen Norton

Director of Professional Development


Our Expert Speaker Requirements


Anti Bullying Workshops

» “In-The-Moment” Bullying Intervention Strategies

» “A 'Been-teased' Generation…”

» “Gender, Media, Cyber Bullying”

» “ No Excuse for Abuse- Empower Youth”

» “Tapping into the Affinity of our Students”

» “Innovative, In the Moment Intervention Strategies”

Dedicated to meeting the needs of K-12 teachers, principals and the children they serve.
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