K-12 In-Service

Professional Development for Teachers

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Motivation Training

The first step to being a good teacher is getting students to believe they can achieve and inspiring them to do so. With motivation training, you can perfect instructional methods in your school to incite student motivation.

Keeping teachers motivated is just as important. With 50% of new teachers
leaving the field in their first five years, teacher burnout is a reality. Help your K-12 teachers keep their passion for education.

» Tailored Motivation Training Specific to Your School

» Inspiring Motivational Presenters with Concrete Methods

» Get Transforming Motivation Training Sensitive to Your Budget

» Book Your Student or Teacher Motivation In-Service with Ease

» Ongoing Coaching & Support Available for Sustaining Motivation

Featured Motivation Training Presenters

or call us today at

Jen Norton

Director of Professional Development


Our Expert Speaker Requirements


Motivation Training Workshops

» How to Make Students Invest in Their Own Success

» Getting Parents Involved & Students Motivated

» How to Make Mondays Rock

» Successful Strategies for Closing the Achievement Gap

» Reaching Out to At-Risk Students

Dedicated to meeting the needs of K-12 teachers, principals and the children they serve.
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