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Charlene Chausis
Presentation Topics:
As the technology training and integration manager at Adlai E. Stevenson High School, the only high school in Illinois to receive four Blue Ribbon Awards for Excellence in Education from the U.S. Department of Education, Charlene Chausis has been instrumental in establishing the technology staff development program for nearly 500 faculty and staff members. Known as “Ranger Mom” to a cadre of more than 300 teachers participating in Stevenson’s “Power Rangers” — a staff development laptop initiative — she enthusiastically shares a variety of techniques for integrating technology into teaching and learning.
Charlene maintains an extensive staff development website and weekly blog for promoting the learning of adults in schools. She has presented a variety of workshops at local and national education conferences on the use of the internet and integration of technology.
She serves on the board of Northern Illinois Computing Educators (NICE), has recently been honored as the Illinois Computing Educators (ICE) 2007 Educational Leader of the Year, and ISTE’s 2007 Outstanding Leader of the Year. She has been recognized as a Discovery Educator, was named an Apple Distinguished Educator in 2003, and a recipient of the 2000 State of Illinois Those Who Excel Award of Recognition.

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Jen Norton
Director of Professional Development

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