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Meg Ormiston
Presentation Topics:
For over twenty five year Meg Ormiston has been involved in professional development activities focused on changing instructional practice in the classroom. Meg marries her passion for technology with a deep curriculum background and over twelve years as a classroom teacher.
Meg has served as a curriculum coach, school board member, keynote speaker, professional development specialist and grant facilitation specialist. Meg has also authored four books, written numerous articles, collaborated on professional videos, and participates in many personal learning communities.
She is constantly researching digital tools and the potential of that technology to reach all learners. Meg travels nationally and internationally, empowering educators through her dynamic presentations focused on affecting positive change. She synthesizes current research and practical methods to help teachers improve teaching and learning in their classrooms. While an expert in educational technology, her extensive experiences in schools enables her to connect with teachers and administrators at all grade levels and on topics across the curriculum.

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Jen Norton
Director of Professional Development

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