K-12 In-Service

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Six Traits Writing

To tackle any subject, students need to be equipped with skills to write effectively and persuasively. The Six Traits instruction method will give guidance and structure to even the most reluctant writer.

» Tailored Six Traits Writing Training Specific to Your School

» Leading Writing Instruction Specialists with Time-Tested Approaches

» Get Superior Six Traits Training Sensitive to Your Budget

» Book Your Writing Instruction In-Service with Ease

» Ongoing Coaching & Support Available for Six Traits Training

Featured Six Traits Writing Presenters

or call us today at

Jen Norton

Director of Professional Development


Our Expert Speaker Requirements


Six Traits Writing Workshops

» Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum

» Six Traits Mini-Lessons

» Get on the Write Track with
the Six Traits

» Back to Writing Basics -
Middle & High School Edition

» Get the Most Out of Graphic Organizers

» Teaching Students to Find Their Written Voices

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