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Dr. Kathleen Doyle

Presentation Topics:

» Guided Reading

» Response to Intervention (RtI)

» Differentiated Instruction

» 21st Century Skills

» Common Core State Standards

» Balanced Literacy


Dr. Kathleen Doyle has 30 years of educational experience as a K-6 grade teacher and reading specialist in Illinois, California and Nevada. She was selected by the Illinois State Board of Education as one of the state’s designated reading specialists.

She led a six-person team assigned to work with schools implementing comprehensive reform. Through this effort, Dr. Doyle assisted in forging a partnership with New American Schools, making Illinois one of only three states to work with this high profile school reform organization. This effort received national recognition.

Dr. Doyle is currently the Director of Educational Services for South Cook
ISC4 where she provides professional development and reading coaching to 66 school districts within her region and also serves as the regional coordinator for the State Reading First grant. Dr. Doyle is an audience favorite due to her engaging, entertaining and practical presentations.

Dr. Doyle's bio

  Download Dr. Doyle's full bio

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