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James Borishade
Presentation Topics:
»Culturally Responsive Teaching
» Student / Teacher Motiviation
James Borishade has more than 17 years of educational experience as a Teacher, National Director and presenter. He has worked to provide innovative resources and tools to more than 15,000 students throughout the country. While serving as an educator, Mr. Borishade became the person other teachers would send their students to for behaviorial modification.
Mr. Borishade was selected by one of the nation's leading non-profits to lead a 30 person team assigned to work with schools implementing experential education in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minneapolis, Kentucky, Kansas, Ohio, Missouri and Michigan. Through his effort, he helped forge partnerships with DePaul University; Illinois State University; Loyola University; University of Kentucky; University of Missouri; Kansas City; University of Wisconsin; and Ohio State University. His work with students was a recently featured in the text book, "Careers in Child Development".

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Jen Norton
Director of Professional Development

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