K-12 In-Service

Professional Development for Teachers

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Urban Education

With an ever-widening achievement gap, urban educators face much different challenges in the classroom than suburban or rural teachers. Instead of waiting for ed reform to come to the rescue, start by equipping and reinvigorating the educators in your city schools.

» Tailored Urban Education Training Specific to Your School

» Experienced Urban Ed Experts with Proven Achievement Strategies

» Get Exceptional Urban Education Training Sensitive to Your Budget

» Book Your Urban Ed In-Service with Ease

» Ongoing Coaching & Support Available for Sustained Urban Ed Training

Featured Urban Education Presenters

or call us today at

Jen Norton

Director of Professional Development


Our Expert Speaker Requirements

Urban Education Workshops

» Culturally Responsive Instruction

» RtI: Tackling the Tiers for
Title I Schools

» Intervention Strategies for
At-Risk Students

» Closing the Achievement Gap
in Urban Classrooms

» Overcoming the Negative
Impact of Poverty on Student Achievement

Dedicated to meeting the needs of K-12 teachers, principals and the children they serve.
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