K-12 In-Service

Professional Development for Teachers

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Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

Professional learning communities unite school administrators and school staff in their commitment to student learning. This shared vision and working collaboratively reduces the isolation of teachers, keeping them better informed resulting in student achievement.

» Tailored Professional Learning Communities Training Specific to Your School

» Standout Presenters with effective approaches to create and be a part of a collaborative team

» Get Specialized Professional Learning Communities Training Sensitive to Your Budget

» Book Your Professional Learning Communities In-Service with Ease

» Ongoing Coaching Available For Professional Learning Communities

Featured Professional Learning Communities Presenters

or call us today at

Jen Norton

Director of Professional Development


Our Expert Speaker Requirements


Professional Learning Communities Workshops

» Discover the importance of building relationships with students and with each other

» Explore the differences between a collaborative culture and a toxic culture

» Learn how to create and be part of a collaborative team

» Find commonalities with their colleagues through purposeful vision and values

» Leave with an action plan

Dedicated to meeting the needs of K-12 teachers, principals and the children they serve.
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