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Dr. Maryam Torbati
Presentation Topics:
» English Language Learners
» Professional Learning Communities
Maryam Torbati has 25 years of practical teaching experience from kindergarten through 12th grade. For 30 years she has worked as a part-time undergraduate and graduate professor at several colleges and universities across California.
Dr. Torbati has also taught an assortment of educational courses including brain research, learning theories, multicultural education, race relations, cultural and social foundations, CLAD courses, SADIE courses and Curriculum Development. She has also conducted numerous workshops and presentations in organizations including TESOL, CATESOL, CUE and the Reading Project Conference.
For the last 17 years she has stayed on the cutting edge in education by attending workshops and conferences on brain-based learning and multiple intelligences to help enhance her presentations. She has also taught professional development courses at several universities in California.

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Jen Norton
Director of Professional Development

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